Re - Kanilai Farm Bakery

Friday, March 20, 2009

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu Kindly allow me space in a your widely read newspaper to comment our His Excellent, President  Jammeh, for the magnificent  work he is doing for The Gambia. You have done it again, President Jammeh, by bringing Kanilai Farm Bakery. My family buy bread from there and eat it without having to heat it.

It is quite clear that there has been too much talk about the unhygienic condition of bread in the country, before the coming of Kanilai Farm Bakery. If the flour used in baking was not expired, it was mouldy, making it very unhealthy for consumption. I’m appealing for more Kanilai Farm bakeries across the country.

I’m also praying that by next year there will be Kanilai  meat and poultry farms across the country. May Allah the Almighty crown all your efforts with success. You are a president with a golden heart.
Author: By Fateemah A Muhammad, 8C Gambia Methodist Academy, Bakau Mile Seven (7)