Ousamn Jabbie, a nine-year-old boy resident of Barra Jalli Suba in the Central River Region is currently in dire need of assistance to go for overseas treatment in France.
According to medical reports, the technological facilities with radiotherapy and Citostaties is not available in The Gambia for him to undero the treatment of his disease. The medical report dated 4th of November 2008 from the Hospital Management Board of the Royal Victorial Teaching Hospital (RVTH), revealed that the nine-year-old boy was admitted on the 5th of November 2008 due to pain with big abdominal tumoral anaemia.
The report added that a physical examination was done which shows an abdominal distension with big tumoral occupied left abdominal flanked with no pain irregular and hard musccosal pale.
However, after scanning at the hospital, the report added, it was discovered that the organs are normal which included the liver and homogenous, GB and there is no free fluid intra-abdominal cavity. It also confirmed that the right kidney is normal in size with good parenchyma.
“But there is big irregular echogencity mass that involved the left kidney and this mass extended to the projection of the left up to the left iliac fossa” the report indicated.
Speaking to Daily Observer, Samba Jabbi, the father of the young child said the boy has been struggling with the disease without their consent for a long time before it finally affected him seriously now.
According to him, its now coming to one year after they have been knocking all major medicals centres in The Gambia for treatment but to no avail. "We went to Ahmadiyya Hospital in Tallinding, RVTH, MRC and other health centres but his health condition still remains worsen. Sometimes, he vomit only blood and during that process, his stomach swelled which seems like if something like snake is running inside.
I am appealing to all philanthropists, civil society organisations, donors and individuals to help rescue my child’s life," he said.
For any assistance, please contact Samba Jabbie on 9906496 or on 9833939 or still 6683939.
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