To my brothers and sisters, I say wake up from your slumber and open your eyes; shine your eyes very well and take a u-turn for a better Gambia.
I find it very disturbing taking into consideration the change of life style and attitude adopted by my Gambian brothers and sisters in the tourist industry. I therefore appeal to the authorities to be vigilant and strong in their responsibility in disciplining and inculcating good moral conduct amongst youngsters in the industry.
Of course, our relentless efforts in eradicating poverty in the country are well noted. It is obvious that one has to go to areas where you can find your "cheese". This is clearly shown everywhere in the country, especially around the Senegambia area. Many of these boys end up erecting wonderfully solid houses through their relationships with these tourists ("Toubabs"). Others are taking hundreds of steps ahead by marrying and bringing their partners to embrace their faith, in most cases Islamic.
This is good and remarkable.
However, on the other hand, I think we tend to compromise and let go of a lot in return for just a little. This brings up the question still circulating in my brain: is a tourist ready to help only by disregarding the feelings of the person they intend to help? This is a fundamental problem facing our society today.
Hey brothers, let us be strong and have faith. No one can give you which is not destined for you. No one can take you to Europe if you are destined to remain in Africa. After all, someone’s Africa could be far better than another one’s Europe. Be nice to them though; exercise patience and honesty towards them; interact with them positively as fellow beings, but never as superior or inferior beings. Never entertain any inhuman activities, like lesbianism, gayism, hard drug consumption, alcoholism, and street romancing almost naked, just to name a few unacceptable practices common within the tourist industry these days.
For God’s sake, my brothers and sisters, we are all either good Muslims or good Christians; therefore we should demonstrate and practice the qualities of perfect Muslims and Christians.
The main factor responsible for Africa’s underdevelopment is our show of weakness. An African man will smile widely at every word uttered by another man.
We think they are right in everything they say or do. What is it all about? This culture of NODDING without DOUBTING to everything said to us must stop now! Let us start making a move now, before it is too late. "IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN TO BE LATE". This is how it should be if others are to treat us with care and respect as they do among themselves.