Catholics Hold Liturgy Workshop

Friday, November 14, 2008
Several Catholics from different church organisations have just concluded a four-day liturgy workshop conducted by a liturgy expert from Ireland. The workshop was been organised in collaboration with the Diocesan Priests Association at GPI.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Karbo welcomed participants and said that the making of a spiritual life is an ongoing formation for the faithful, the religious and the priest. “We hope to have a better insight into liturgy,” he said.

In his opening speech, Bishop Robert P. Ellison CSSp reiterated that the moderator, Rev. Fr. Peter Conaty CSSp, had worked in The Gambia for four years and served as a rector at the junior seminary. “He has also worked in the multinational community in Mexico but now lives in Ireland where he is in charge of all Spiritans all over the world,” he said.

The Bishop said that this was an opportunity and the time of grace to be able to understand and appreciate the liturgy in our lives. He added that wherever of whatever we come from we should have a common understanding of his presence as to better understand.

“I thank the Diocesan Priests Association for bringing the spirit filled exercise to us,” he said.

Other speakers included Frs. Moses Drammeh and Tony Gabisi who later harped on the same string as the Bishop. Rev. Fr. Peter Conaty CSSp, the moderator, thanked the organisers. In his teaching on liturgy, Fr. Conaty said there are no mistakes in liturgy only good recoveries. Quoting from Gaudium et Spes 31, he said, “we can justly consider that the future of humanity lies in the hands of those who are strong enough to provide the coming generations with reasons for living and hoping.”

The moderator covered points of learning from scriptures, encountering god and the reign of god’s ministry. There was mass celebrated by Fr. Bruno to conclude the day which was attended by over 50 priests, sisters and lay people in attendance.

Author: Augustine Kanjia