How To Choose A Free Dating Web Site

Monday, June 25, 2007

Free online dating websites offer a great way of bringing people together who are looking for partnership. There are a huge number of single, divorced or lonely people on this planet (you may be one of them) and wouldn't it be great if some of these could be brought together for a harmonious and long term relationship.

This is the aim of the large number of online dating web sites that abound on the internet. This type of matchmaking is becoming more and more popular as our lives get busier and we don't have the same amount of time for social interaction. We do though have almost constant access to a computer and therefore the opportunity to find a prospective partner via the world-wide-web and a free dating web site.

What should you look out for when using one of these supposedly free dating web sites?

1. Is it really free? Check that you do not have to pay a membership fee to access the site and that you do not have to pay a fee when a match is found. Some websites may have a Luxury or Premium type of membership that may have a fee associated with it.

2. Is the web site clean and functional? Is it easy to navigate? There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to find the part of the web site that you want to get to.

3. How is your personal information handled? Who has access to this - could your email address be scammed? Does the web site have a Protective Privacy Policy?

4. Is there a true commitment to Customer Care? Can you contact the operators of the website easily? How are complaints handled?

5. Is the website a member of The Relationship Exchange? The Relationship Exchange is a network of online dating sites with access to a shared database of millions of singles. For you, this means more choices, more connections, and therefore, hopefully a successful match.

6. Is the web site full of ads? You want to find a partner not to be coerced into buying something that you don't need.

7. Are you actively encouraged to complete your personal profile and how many others on the web site have profiles? How can you expect to have a reasonable communication with someone if you have no details of their interests or hobbies?

These are a few tips that may make choosing a free dating web site a little easier but this is not exhaustive by any means. It is recommended that with any type of online dating service you be very wary or cautious. There are a lot of unscrupulous web site operators and then there are of course the actual participants in the service. The advantage of starting your relationship online is that you will get to know your prospective partner prior. It is also worth giving some thought as to a paid online dating service as opposed to a free one. You will probably receive better service, have a site with fewer ads and generally speaking paid sites will attract a better calibre of potential dates.

If you are looking for love, why not give online dating a try. It is definitely the way of the future and there is a lot to recommend it as a way to meet a new partner. is a safe, fun and effective way to meet other singles online. Join the millions of others who are developing quality relationships at this very moment. Don’t delay, sign up today for free online dating at



Author: Author: Sue Taylor