What do teens and modern technologies have in common? Answer, they both want to make life easier. Teens use modern technologies like the computer in order to make high school life better. Gone are the days when typewriters ruled the universe. Computers are here to stay.
It doesn’t mean though that just because a teen owns a computer then he or she can be branded as computer literate. There’s more to being knowledgeable of the modern innovations of man. If teens want to be computer literate, then they should do what athletes do. Practice, practice and practice.
It is a known fact that computers have become one of the most important parts of a teenagers’ life. A teens’ life without it means a life of educational difficulties. Teachers nowadays require teens to use the computer to print their assignments, research papers and other reports. It is much easier to read someone’s work when it is computer written and printed in a clean sheet of bond paper.
The basic computer skill that a teen should know by heart is the use of word processing programs such as Microsoft Word that would make it possible for them to make their thesis, reports, formal letters and other paperwork. This skill is included as one of the basic skills for entry level positions. Most, if not all schools offer computer classes, therefore it is advisable for teens not to miss a single lesson.
Of course, teens must know how to use the Internet. It is the biggest library with billions of resources. If teens know where to go, they will get the most updated information ranging from sports news to fashion news. The Internet has it all.
Teens need not worry about the possible complications that would be encountered when the using the Internet. They must first know how to use a browser and surf the web. If teens don’t know what site to go to, there’s always the popular search engines where they can just type a keyword and accurate results will be generated. Popular search engines such as Yahoo or Google can be used to find desired websites.
If difficulties are still being encountered by teens when using the computer, there’s an easy way to get past it. Answer: Friends. Yes, that’s what friends are for, to assist fellow teens in overcoming the difficulties of a teenage life. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one, now’s the best time to follow that adage.
About the Author:
Teenagers are really more meticulous these days. This is why TeenWants (
) hopes to bring teens all around the world together and let them experience everything positive and enriching. Sushil Kumar Singh Raghav writes for TeenWants.com. TeenWants.com is the place for games, video, music, shopping, fitness, entertainment and even job opportunities for teens. Check out TeenWants.com (
) for prizes and games as well!