Oct 8: Assembly PAC/PEC to reconvene sittings

Friday, October 5, 2007

The joint session of the Public Accounts Committee / Public Enterprises Committee (PAC/PEC) of the National Assembly, will be reconvened from 8th-11th October 2007, between 10am - 2pm daily, in the National Assembly Chambers.

Their purpose of the session is to receive and consider annual activity reports, audited accounts, financial statements and management letters from public enterprises/agencies, namely: Gampost, NYSS, GDA, NAWEC, MSA, Central Bank, GIA, AMRC, GCCA and Gamtel.

According to reports from the Office of the Speaker, yesterday, “Heads and Directors of the aforementioned public enterprises and public agencies are urged to please proceed and submit to the Clerk of the National Assembly, the reports and accounts of their agencies/enterprises”.

The Office of the Speaker also urged the various Heads and Directors to kindly take note of the dates and times allocated to their respective enterprise/agency as stated.

“Gampost financial statement and management letter for 2004, 2005 & 2006, to appear on 8th October 2007, at 10a.m. GDA/NYSS 2004, 2005,2006 annual report of activities to appear on 8th October, 2007, at 11 a.m. 

NAWEC 2004& 2005, audited accounts & reports, and annual activity reports to appear on 8th October, 2007, at 12 noon. MSA annual reports of activities to include the issue of tractors to appear on 9th October, 2007, at 10am. Central Bank 2005 & 2006, audited accounts and reports management letters and annual activity reports to appear on 9th october, 2007, at 11am.

 GIA 2006 audited accounts & report and annual activity report to appear on 10th October, 2007, at 10am. AMRC 2004 and 2005, audited accounts & reports and annual activity reports to appear on 10th October, 2007, at 11am. GCAA 2005 & 2006, audited accounts & reports and annual activity reports to appear on 11th October, 2007, at 10am. Gamtel 2005 & 2006, audited accounts & reports and annual activity reports to appear on 11th October, 2007, at 11 am,” the Speaker’s Office clearly highlighted.

Pertinently, the Office of the Speaker, urged all Honourable Members of the National Assembly, who are members of the joint sessions of the Public Accounts Committee/ Public Enterprises Committee, to resume work at the National Assembly Chambers, on  8th October, 2007.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper